Leaves on a Stream

leaves on a stream

Introduction to Leaves on a Stream

The “Leaves on a Stream” mindfulness exercise is a calming technique that can help you practice acceptance of thoughts and feelings. It involves visualizing thoughts and emotions as leaves floating down a gentle stream.

How to Practice

1. Find a comfortable seated position and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself.

2. Picture yourself sitting by a gentle, slow-moving stream. See the water peacefully flowing along, the sunlight shining down, trees and plants along the banks. Listen to the soothing natural sounds of the flowing water and birds chirping.

3. When thoughts, emotions, or bodily sensations arise, imagine placing each one on a leaf and gently placing that leaf onto the stream. Allow it to smoothly float away down the water.

4. If your thoughts feel particularly sticky, or the leaves get caught on a snag in the stream, don’t force them. Just patiently focus on the stream’s flow, and the leaves will eventually work themselves free to continue drifting along.

5. Your mind may get distracted by sounds, physical sensations, or other thoughts. This is normal. When it happens, gently return your attention back to the visualization of the stream.

6. If your thoughts pull you out of the visualization completely, refocus on your anchor – the stream. Recreate all the details – the water flowing, the sights and sounds around you, and your leaf practice.

7. When you feel ready to leave the stream, take a few deep centering breaths. Then slowly open your eyes and take the calm, tranquil feeling with you.

8. With regular practice, it will become easier to stay focused on the stream and use it to help thoughts and feelings come and go smoothly. But be patient with yourself as you build this skill.

Here is a rewritten version of the benefits section with an introductory sentence:


Practicing the “Leaves on a Stream” technique offers many advantages for managing thoughts, emotions, and stress. First, it allows you to experience thoughts and feelings without necessarily reacting to or judging them. By visualizing them as leaves passing by, you can observe them with greater objectivity and equanimity.

Additional benefits include:

  • Practicing observing feelings from a calm, stable place rather than getting caught up in them. This builds resilience.
  • Helping to manage rumination, anxiety, and feeling emotionally overwhelmed or flooded. The imagery soothes the mind.
  • Creating a sense of tranquility and releasing tension in both the mind and body.
  • Building mindfulness skills of staying present and acknowledging, yet not attaching to, thoughts and emotions.
  • Developing greater acceptance of all internal experiences, whether positive, negative or neutral.
  • Enhancing concentration and focus through use of imagery and sensory details.

Regularly using this unique visualization can have profound effects on mental wellbeing over time. By picturing a stream, you can learn to go with the flow of your experiences with greater balance and equanimity.


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