Contacting Warm Pathways Counselling

0476 407 437



Getting to Know You

  1. First, take a brave step – reach out however feels most comfortable. Call, email, use our form. We know asking for support can feel vulnerable. What you share will be received with compassion.
  2. Within a day, you’ll hear back from me and we’ll have an honest, human-to-human chat to get acquainted and  together, we’ll decide if counseling is the right fit. There are no wrong answers.
  3. Now, let’s go deeper. We’ll schedule a 30-60 minute conversation by phone or video. This is your space to share your story in its fullness so I can truly understand your context and challenges. I won’t judge or critique. Bring all of yourself. Through listening deeply and making meaning together, we’ll uncover your goals and the role counseling can play.

This is about making connections. My aim is to meet you where you are – trust the process. I see your strength. Have courage and know you are not alone.

10A Pictavia St Toowong, Queensland 4066
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday12:00 – 21:30
Thursday12:00 – 17:00
Saturday09:00 – 12:00


You can also find us on FaceBook and Instagram.