Evening Conversations

Conversation Times: First Thursday evening of each month starting at 8pm.

Next Gathering: June 8, 2023

About Evening Coversations

A quote attributed to Brene Brown is that humans are hardwired for connection.  Evening Conversations are a one way for you to connect with others in your community. Getting at the heart of what we share in common with one another, these conversations can have a positive and powerful impact across society – including a sense of respect, understanding, and even friendship. 

What matters in these conversations are your personal perspectives, not how much you know about a subject.

Conversation Format

The format of an evening conversation is similar to that used in the talking circles. Additionally, to ensure a conversation can be had with meaningful input from everyone, it is best to have a small group, up to 8 people. As such, it is somewhat structured:

  1. Opening. Introductions and take care of any housekeeping items at the start of your conversation. 
  2. Introduction. Each person shares their name and tells something about themselves or what brought them to this conversation.
  3. Conversation Agreement. Go through the items in the conversation agreement to ensure everyone is familiar with the expectations.
  4. Discussion Round #1. Getting to know each other. In this round, say something about yourself such as your hopes and dreams, what guides you in life, or  ….
  5. Discussion Round #2. Discussion on the topic
  6. Discussion Round #3. Reflection of the conversation. This is also an opportunity to ask questions (keeping in mind the conversation guidelines) and speaking to what you take way from the conversation.
  7. Closing. It is helpful if you are able to provide feedback so that we can ensure the conversations meet your needs. Also, if you want to make a donation to this service to ensure this service continues, it is greatly appreciated.  

Conversations Guidelines

  1. Respect the talking piece so the person who has it can convey their full message without interruption.
  2. Listen respectfully and reflect upon, consider, and honor the meaning of what others say so you can build on the conversation.
  3. Mute other devices so as not to interrupt others.
  4. Speak for yourself and from your own experiences and perspectives. Use “I language” and not generic people think statements or sweeping generalizations.
  5. Be courageous, honest, and open with your own stories. Speak your truth from your heart and be open to hearing others’ truths.
  6. Listen from the heart, allowing what others say to move you. Bear witness but do not provide advice or argue with others.
  7. Honor what others say with confidentiality and integrity, sharing only with context and in relevance to your own life and learning, not as gossi
