Giving Your Kids an Emotional Vocabulary


Having an emotional vocabulary is an important part of a child’s development. It allows them to express and understand their feelings, helping them to cope with and manage their emotions. As a parent, you play an important role in helping your child to develop an emotional vocabulary.


It has not always been the case of allowing children to have an emotional vocabulary. However, in recent years, there has been an increased focus on emotional literacy and expression, with parents and educators encouraging children to talk openly about their feelings. 

The Importance of an Emotional Vocabulary

An emotional vocabulary helps children to understand and articulate their feelings. This is beneficial for their mental health, as it allows them to process their emotions and respond to them in a healthy way. It also helps them to communicate and interact with others better, as they are able to express their emotions effectively.

Teaching Your Child an Emotional Vocabulary

The best way to teach your child an emotional vocabulary is to talk to them about their feelings. Start by asking them how they are feeling and why. Then, help them to identify the feeling by giving them the words to describe it, such as ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘angry’, or ‘frustrated’. This will help them to develop their emotional vocabulary and better understand their own emotions.

You can also model the use of emotional language. For example, if your child is upset about something, rather than saying ‘Don’t be upset’, say ‘It’s ok to feel upset about this’. This will help them to recognize that it’s normal and ok to have strong emotions. Additionally, try to be aware of the words you use around your child. Words like ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ can give your child the wrong impression about their emotions and make them feel ashamed for feeling them.

Encouraging Your Child to Express Their Emotions

Once your child has a basic understanding of emotions and has developed an emotional vocabulary, it’s important to encourage them to express their feelings. Establish an environment where your child feels comfortable expressing their emotions. This could be through talking, drawing, or writing. Let them know it’s ok to talk about their feelings and that they can come to you when they need to.

It’s also helpful to create opportunities for your child to express their emotions. This could be through activities like role-playing, which allows them to act out different scenarios. You could also try playing games that encourage them to express their emotions, such as communication and teamwork games.


Be a good listener. It’s important to listen to your child and validate their feelings, even if you don’t agree with them. This will help them to develop their emotional vocabulary and learn how to express themselves in a healthy way.

Having an emotional vocabulary is an important part of a child’s development. It allows them to express and understand their feelings, helping them to cope with and manage their emotions. As a parent, you can help your child develop an emotional vocabulary by talking to them about their feelings, modeling the use of emotional language, and encouraging them to express their emotions in a safe and healthy environment. Doing so will help your child to better understand and manage their emotions, giving them the tools they need to lead a happy and healthy lif

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