Tim Coates

Tim Coates is a skilled counselor with expertise in helping individuals overcome relationship issues and loneliness. He has a deep understanding of the impact of social isolation and works with clients to develop strategies for building meaningful connections.Using mindfulness-based techniques, Tim empowers his clients to develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and cultivate a more positive relationship with themselves. His compassionate and supportive approach creates a safe space for clients to explore their emotions and find a path towards healing and growth.

dealing with grief and loss

Dealing with Breakup Grief

Going through a breakup can be an extremely difficult and emotional experience. When a relationship that was once filled with love ends, it can leave you feeling lost, depressed, angry, anxious, and full of grief. Grieving the end of a relationship is normal, but it’s important that dealing with breakup grief in a healthy way so that you can move on.

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relationships and boundaries

Grief, Boundaries and Relationships

Dive into the art of boundary-setting for healthier relationships and self-preservation. Discover practical strategies to assert your needs, communicate effectively, and navigate breaches with confidence. Empower yourself with expert insights and actionable advice in this comprehensive guide to mastering the intricacies of boundaries.

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forging a meaningful career

Forging a Meaningful Career

Graduating high school or college is exciting but choosing your first career path can be daunting. This article offers advice to young professionals on forging your own meaningful career through self-reflection and exploring alternative pathways beyond the traditional route. Key tips include taking a gap year, gaining real-world experience, considering vocational training and certificates, and above all, finding work aligned with your unique talents and passions. There is no one size fits all approach to starting a fulfilling career.

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